24 pp Western Canadian Soaring Championships, "we should fly down" 2022 Boomerang Trophy, A Change of Plans Adventure, Cowley miscellaneous, Reflections on Landout #1, a Rockies geology lesson, Passage to Heaven, A new Canadian "Beetle", Club news and the 2023 pilot achievements.
24 pp 2022 Nationals - best ever!, A Rookie at the Nats, Chris Gought's Great Season of Soaring, Cowley Camp Report, Blue and Scarlet, This is Something New (report from a new member), Hello My Name is Dmitry, The Frozen Towpilot, ASC Treasurer's Report and Club news, 2022 pilot achievements.
24 pp How to share Class B airspace (ATC “lanes” for big wave flights), 1601 km!, fighters vs gliders (a CF18 pilot’s perspective), the genesis of the Geoid (science fun), another BFFC report (Bruce Friesen Fan Club) and big flight, the TST-8 Alpin (a 2-place wood motorglider build at CAGC), ASC financial update, Summer and Fall Cowley camps, a stubble fire thermal, great 2021 pilot achievements.
24 pp Goodbye Phil – flypast at Cu Nim in honour, Canadian multiplace altitude record set, Span is for wimps [funny], Cowley camps, Dehydration without thirst – how the body loses water inflight, ASC Treasurer’s report (following loss of provincial grant, selling a 2-22 to Indonesia.